Prescription Drugs
FISH will buy up to $300 worth of prescription drugs for people in financial need. FISH’s mission is to help with emergencies, so it cannot buy drugs that people need month after month. However, volunteers will help find sources of help for maintenance drugs.
Dental Care
FISH, in partnership with the Family Health Center Dental Clinic and a few local dentists, will obtain emergency dental care for people who cannot afford it.
Vision exams and glasses
FISH will help pay for a vision exam and glasses for people who cannot afford the full price.
Other Emergency Needs
There are a variety of other emergency needs that FISH volunteers try to help with. People having financial problems can ask about:
• Propane or firewood for cooking or heating.
• Shoes, clothing or test fees to start a new job.
• Unusual emergencies: FISH volunteers try to help people who have unexpected setbacks of any kind. Sometimes we can help, sometimes not. We welcome all requests at 360-636-1100.
Pandemic Suspensions
Water and power companies are prohibited from cutting off services for people who have lost income due to Covid-19 restrictions.
In response, FISH has temporarily suspended its utilities assistance programs.
The program will resume after the cutoff moratorium ends. If you have questions about utility bills call the FISH help line weekday afternoons.
Water Bills
FISH will pay a portion of a water bill for people who are behind with payments. It also helps with water service deposits. As with other services, FISH limits the amount and frequency of its aid.
PUD Bills
FISH will pay a portion of a PUD bill for people who are behind with payments. It also helps with electric service deposits. As with other services, FISH limits the amount and frequency of its aid.
Not sure if FISH can help? Call us
(360) 636-1100
If you have a need not mentioned here, give us a call between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. A friendly volunteer will listen to your need and try to help. Unfortunately, FISH has no funding to help pay rent or lodge people in motels.
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